Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tao Te Ching

Came across this site:

I have lot of Tao Te Ching collection by different authors. But whenever i read it feels like new. Tao is actually the real essence, yet unfelt. Always there, yet missing. One of the favourite is this:

Under Heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short contrast with each other;
High and low rest upon each other;
Voice and sound harmonise each other;
Front and back follow one another.
Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no talking.
The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease, creating, yet not possessing, working, yet not taking credit, work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts for ever.

Truely, difficult exist because of easy. And light becuase of darkness. And therefore the wise empties himself and remain event to all good and bad. As is truely referered in the hindu mythologies by the word "Sam". The wise remains wise in pain and pleasure and never succembs to them. If it is pleaure, he never lefts himself be drifted in it and if it is pain, he never lets it move him. By not letting himself identified with both good and bad, he realizes that he is above and beyond. Though he tastes the good and bad, but those tastes come from the body or the mind and never from him. Then what is he? He is the Tao. Rather the Tao is him.

I think I should be elaborating more on this thing called "Sam". Much undervalued word than it is. It is the way of living, a method, a meditation and a complete Tao way.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Solving the search problem !!!

I lately came across a cool application called pinkou ( www.pinkou.com) more famous with the motto "Document to Document Search". Underlying idea is keyword extraction from the document using some technique and putting back the keywords into the search engine. The pinkou is a great approach to finding similar documents.

Say, you have a document (say, a patent) or an article or a piece of information and you want to read more on the similar information. You want more of it. And then you try to play with the keywords relentlessly for couple of minutes and hours and come down to the conclusion that you cannot find similar thoughts, articles or documents and that you have exhasuted the web :)

This had happened to me many a times. And now suddenly when playing with pinkou, I realized that I was wrong. There were many artifcles, pieces that were burried deep in the web. And the essence of the document that comes out using keyword extraction technique REALLY is often counter-intutive. Something that is less likely for you to be entered. And then the results are simply stupendous. You find so much of web telling you what is similar to what you want to read. And this becomes a great utility. Immediately I am addicted to the application. Surely, this has solved a great problem of the web that existed till now for people like me. To find more of what I already have. More of what I already like.

This approach has not only given the context for the search, but has proven to provide a utility that gives you keyword with the help of which you can find something similar. You can add, edit and remove keywords to play with your search. And then the idea is simple. If you know something, like something, you can browse more on similar tracks. Find more relevant information, relevant to the document that you have put in.

Really a cool thing!!!